
Our Mission : Providing Food, Education And Health Services

Awareness and Education

Awareness and Education

Dr. Ahmed Abou Ismail foundation, the national research center, and the world health organization organized an awareness day for hepatitis with an objective to raise awareness on viral hepatitis disease prevention and the proper and safe ways to dispose medical waste.

The Dr. Ahmed Abu Ismail Charitable Foundation visits schools in Samanoud and neighboring villages to contribute to various activities. The foundation also strives to develop the intellectual school and solve the problems they face, and has been in contact with the Deputy Minister of Education in Al-Gharbia to discuss some matters. Additionally, the foundation honors the top students of middle and high schools to encourage them to continue their success.

The Foundation and the national authority for quality assurance and accreditation organized a symposium with the title ‘Strengthening Trust in The Outputs of The Educational Process’ and introduced attendants to the quality standards, how to implement them, and the urgency for schools to receive accreditation.

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