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Biography of Dr. Laila Ahmed Abo Ismail.


Name           : Laila Ahmed Abou Ismail

Sex             : Female

Nationality     : Egyptian

Marital Status : married and has three children

Current job : Member of parliment wafd party(2020-2025)(2015-2020).

Prof. of Clinical and Chemical Pathology in Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department, National Research Center.

founder and chairman of Abouismail foundation



  1. Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, (June ,1980).
  2. Sc. in clinical and chemical pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, (May 1989).
  3. D clinical and chemical pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, (November 1999)


  1. House Officer in Cairo University Hospital (From Sep. 80 till – Aug 81).
  2. General Practitioner in National Research Center clinic from (8-11-81).
  3. 3rd degree Medical Doctor in National Research Center clinic from (8/1/81 till 31/7/90).
  4. Assistant Researcher of Clinical and Chemical Pathology in Basic Medical Science Department, National Research Center from (1st Aug, 90 – till 1st Dec 90).
  5. Research Assistant of Clinical and Chemical Pathology in Basic Science Department National Research Center from (2 Dec. 90 till 23 July 94) .
  6. Research Assistant of Clinical and Chemical Pathology in Reproductive Biology unit, Community Medicine Department National Research Center from (24 Jul,94 till 29th April 2000).
  7. Researcher of Clinical and Chemical Pathology in Reproductive Biology unit, Community Medicine Department National Research Center from (30th April 2000 till 2/11/ 2003).
  8. Researcher of Clinical and Chemical Pathology in Clinical & Chemical Pathology Department from (3/11/2003).
  9. Assistant Professor of Clinical and Chemical Pathology in Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department from 30/4/2005.
  10. Professor of Clinical and Chemical Pathology in Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department from 31/8/2010 till now.


  1. Workshop on Flow Cytometry Organized by the Egyptian Society of Laboratory Medicine in the Tenth Annual Conference on 10th April 1999.
  2. Computer training course in National Research Center

          – Window 95 from 9/4/2000 till 16/5/2000

          – Win word from 30/4/2000 till 28/5/2001

  1. The Ninth National Training course on Acupuncture and Moxibustion (April 6th to April 27th (2002) Complementary Medicine unit, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.
  2. The theoretical training course on Molecular Medicine Basics and Applications, Organized by Human Genetics Department, Medical Research Division, National Research Center on 10 – 14th May, 2003.


  1. Opening as new medical field in the National Research Center by applying Acupuncture as an effective tool in treating wide variety of diseases and pain management
  2. Attending the training course on Acupuncture and Moxibustion from 6th –27th April (2002) in Faculty of Medicine (Complementary Medicine unit) Cairo. University.
  3. Preparation of a Proposal to the Vice President of the National Research Center to put the plan of Acupuncture clinic as a preliminary step to establish a department for Complementary Medicine in Future in March, (2003).
  4. Travelling to China and attending a clinical practice on Acupuncture in Jinan Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine, one of the most popular hospitals of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Dec, 2003 till Jan 2004.
  5. Preparation and participation in the 1st Seminar on Acupuncture in the National Research Center in Collaboration with the W.H.O, the Embassy of China and the Egyptian Society of Acupuncture in 29/6/2004 “Acupuncture as an effective tool in Complementary Medicine” oral talk on “Acupuncture and pain.”
  6. Establishment of Acupuncture clinic in special service unit in National Research Center in Sept 2004.
  7. Clinical practice of Acupuncture twice weekly with management of pain and different kind of diseases especially obesity and osteoarthritis of the joints which showed marked improvement by Acupuncture without the need of the anti- inflammatory drugs.
  8. Oral talk on Acupuncture and Pain in the 3rd International conference of Medical Science held in National Research Center 14 – 16th Dec, 2004.
  9. Arrangement of the 1st scientific medical seminar  on the role of acupuncture in women health care with collaboration with Ein Shams medical University and Egyption Society of acupuncture in National Research Center in 10/12/2005.
  10. Opening the first specialized acupuncture clinic in Egypt for women only for pain management and gynecological diseases in collaboration with the reproductive department in NRC in 1/7/2007.
  11. Participation in the work shop on YNSA: a scalp acupuncture modality conducted by Prof.T.Yamamoto.MD;PhD. held at NRC on Dec,20,2006.
  12. Partcipation in the workshop of” Diseases of obesity and what’s new “by a talk on ‘Management of obesity by acupuncture.’on 28/2/2007 in the NRC.
  13. Participation in the workshop of of Ministry of health and population on Weight Control &Obesity by an oral presentation on “Role of acupuncture and obesity” on 28-29th of Nov.,2007.
  14. Participation in 1st conjoint workshop between Society for Women in Science in Developing Countries –Egypt and National Research Center under the theme “towards a safe and healthy women’s life”  by an oral talk on “Acupuncture : A way for anti-aging and longevity “on March 8-9,2009 in NRC.

INTERNATIONAL TRAINING COURSES in People’s Republic of  China:

  1. Theoretical Course and clinical practice of management of pain by Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, People Republic of, China (Dec 2003 till Jan, 2004).
  2. Training course on Traditional Chinese Medicine in Health Care organized by Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute from July 1st to August 31st ,2005 in Beijing, the People’s Republic of China.
  3. Management Seminar of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Medical Organization for Developing Countries organized by the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute from March 19th till April 7th,2007 in Beijing, People Republic of China.
  4. Training course of Gynecology by Acupuncture and Moxibustion in China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center on March30, 2007.
  5. Attending International Beijing Forum in October 16th, 2010.
  6. Training Course of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute from October 18th till October 28th, 2010.

Thesis on Acupuncture:

  1. Supervision on Thesis of Acupuncture for partial fulfillment of master degree in laser application in physiotherapy.
  2. 1- The effect of Laser acupuncture on allergic rhinitis.
  3. 2- Efficacy of Laser acupuncture on Temporomandibular Joint pain dysfunction syndrome.
  4. 3- External examiner in Kasr El Aini Medical University in M.Sc.Degree in Public Health :Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of cupping (HIJAMA) among Medical staff.


  1. Member of the International Society of Nephrology.
  2. Member of the Egyptian Society of Acupuncture
  3. Member of the Egyptian Society of Egyption Society of Laboratory Medicine.
  4. Member of the Arab Society for Medical Researches.
  5. Member of the Society for Women in Science in Developing Countries –Egypt.


  1. Participation by attending The 4th international Conference of Medical Sciences on “ Contemporary Researches on Health Problems” . 20-22,2005. National Research Centre on December, 20, 2006, Cairo Egypt
  2. Participation by attending the 2nd International Conference of the Egyptian Society of Harmatology & Research on the 7th – 9th of February.
  3. Participation by attending the International thalassemia day and the 7th International thalassemia Conference. May 8th – 9th, 2006– Cairo, Egypt
  4. Participation by attending the Fourth International Congress of the Egyptian Society of Pediatric Hematology & Oncology. 30-31 March, 2006.
  5. Participation by attending the XVII Annual conference of the Egyptian Society of Laboratory Medicine in Recent Advances in Laboratory Medicine: 22nd & 23rd March, 2006, Cairo, Egypt.
  6. Participation by attending the First International Transfusion Medicine Congress, on March 5-6,2006 Cairo, Egypt
  7. Participation by attending the 6th Annual Conference for Laboratories of the General Organization of Teaching Hospitals and Institutes Laboratories Administration. on 22-23 November 2006.
  8. Participation by attending the 1st International Conference Arab Society for Medical Research– under the theme of Endemic Diseases in the Arab World-Collaboration and Combating Measures, National Research Centre-on 7-9 November 2006.
  9. Participation by attending the 7th Annual conference for Laboratories- under the theme of Laboratory Advances for Better Life on 12-13 December, 2006.
  10. Workshop on “YNSA: a Scalp Acupuncture Modality. Held at National Research Centre on December, 20, 2006, Cairo Egypt
  11. Participation by attending the 5th International Conference of Medical Science on “Contemporary Researches on health Problems” and sharing as Speaker the “Acupuncture is a complete preventive healing system” on Dec. 19-21,2006. National Research Centre Cairo Egypt.
  12. Participation by attending the 7th Annual Conference of the Egyptian Society of Ashma and COPD on the 16th-17th April, 2007 in Cairo- Egypt.
  13. Participation by attending the “ Basic Nutrition-Module 1” as a part of Professional Certificate in Clinical Nutrition from 23rd of April to 11th of June 2008 in Education Development Center Faculty of Medicine, Cairo, University.
  14. Participation as Speaker in the 6th International Conference of Medical Sciences on “Contemporary Researches on Health Problems” as Speaker, Dec. 4-6, 2007. National Research Centre. Cairo Egypt:
  15. Serum Prolactin and its Evolution in Neonatal Seizures
  16. Acupuncture a way for anti-aging and longevity
  17. Participation by attending the International thalassemia day and the 8th International thalassemia Conference . May 9th – 10th, 2007. Cairo, Egypt
  18. Participation by attending the in the 3h Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference Under the theme. “The Epidemiological and Nutritional Transition in Developing Countries: Accelerating Progress for nutrition in Africa” in October 13-16, 2008 NRC, Cairo Egypt
  19. Participation by attending the 7th International Conference of Medical Sciences Under the theme. “Contemporary Researches on Health Problems” in Dec. 23-25,2008. National Research Centre. Cairo Egypt
  20. Participation by attending the Annual conference of the Egyptian Society of Laboratory Medicine. “Laboratory Medicine: News and Views on the 5-7 April, 2008-Cairo, Egypt.
  21. Participation by attending the 6th congress of Egyptian Society of Pediatric Hematology & Oncology. On 27th-28th March, 2008. Cairo-Egypt
  22. Participation by attending the International thalassemia day the 9th International thalassemia Conference on May 7th – 8th, 2008, Cairo, Egypt
  23. Participation by attending the 8th Annual Conference for Laboratories of General Organization for Teaching Hospitals and Institutes Laboratories Administration. Recent Laboratory Aspects in Health & Disease” on 26-27 November 2008.
  24. Participation by attending the Participation by attending the 2nd International Conference of the Arab Society for Medical Research “Research in the Arab World-Modes of Collaboration and Development” on 11-13 November 2008, National Research Centre-Cairo, Egypt.
  25. Participation by attending the 30th Annual Conference of the Egyptian Society of Hematology in Collaboration with the Egyptian Association of Transfusion Medicine. on January 21-22 2009, Cairo Egypt.
  26. Participation by attending the BGICC from 22nd to 23rd January 2009. Cairo Egypt.
  27. Participation by attending the International thalassemia day the 10th International thalassemia Conference on May 6th – 7th, 2009. Cairo, Egypt
  28. Congress of the International Society of Hematology-European and African Division ISH-EAD. On October 10th– 13th,2009. Cairo, Egypt.
  29. Participation by attending the as a speaker in the 3rd International Conference of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology Research Division . Biotechnology of Better Life. November 3-5, 2009. National Research Centre. Cairo Egypt:
  30. –  The Possible Role of Interleukin-18 (IL-18) in Pathogenesis of Atopic  Asthma in Moderate Persistent Asthmatic Children
  31. Participation by attending the. 9th Annual Conference for Laboratories of the General Organization for Teaching Hospitals and Institutes Laboratories Administration Impact of Clinical Laboratory on Community Health on 16-17 December 2009.
  32. Participation by attending the 8th International Conference of the Medical Research Division. Under the them Recent Trends in Endocrinal Disorders . on December 21-23-2009 National Research Centre. Cairo Egypt.
  33. Participation by attending the Conference of Egyptian Society of Laboratory Medicine on 27-29/3/2010 , Cairo Egypt.
  34. Participation by attending the 9th International Conference of the Medical Research Division. Under the them Nutrition. on December 23rd -25th 2010 National Research Centre. Cairo Egypt.
  35. Participation by attending the 3rd Annual Scientific Conference Genetics & Tissue Engineering 3-4 April,2011.

Supervision on master degree theses

  1. Radwa Gamal ElDin Rashed- Child health Department:
  2. “Resistin levels and insulin resistance in obese children”.
  3. Sara Adel – Dermatology Department
  4. “ Estimation of salivary Chromogranin as a stress marker in patient with Acne Vulgaris”
  5. Maie Mohmed Abd ElHameed Child health Department
  6. ” Liver enzymes in children with b- Thalassemia major in correlation with iron overload and viral Hepatitis”
  7. Amira Nabil – Clinical & Chemical Pathology Department
  8. ” Expression of chemokine receptor “ CxCR-4” as a prognostic factor in acute myeloid leukaemia”.

Supervision on thesis on Acupuncture

  1. Yomna Farag Ahmed – Laser Institute
  2. “Effect of low Power laser on Acupuncture point in treatment of allergic rhinitis”.
  3. Sara Mphamed Mahrous – Laser Institute.
  4. “Efficacy of Laser Acupuncture on Temporomandibular Joint Pain Dusfunction Syndrom”.


  1. Organizer of workshop of “Role of Acupuncture in Women Health Care” on 10/12/2005
  2. Participation by teaching in Seminars of Fresh graduates on : ( 1/2/2007 – 28/2/2008 ) & (1/3/2009 – 28/5/2009 ) .
  3. Participation as a speaker in workshop of Clinical & Chemical Pathology Department “Obesity and what’s new?” by a talk on: management of Obesity by Acupuncture” on28/2/2007.
  4. Participation as a speaker in workshop held by the Magazine of Health under the theme of “Weight Control & Obesity” by a talk on “Role of acupuncture in obesity”.
  5. Attending and participation in Seminar in Clinical & Chemical Pathology Department.
  6. Participation by attending the workshop on YNSA: a scalp acupuncture Modality conducted by Yamamoto in NRC on 20/12/2006.
  7. Participation by attending the workshop of “Basic Nutrition Module 1” as apart of Professional Certificate in clinical nutrition from 23rd April till 11th Jane, 2008.
  8. Participation in the training course of the Egyptian women’s dermatology Society on 27/1/2008.
  9. Participation as a speaker in the workshop of Women Society in Science in developing countries- Egypt and the National Research by a talk on “Acupuncture is a way for anti-aging and longevity”.
  10. Workshop on Botoxs and fillers in Dermatology Department in NRC on 8/6/2009
  11. Participation in the clinical training course of the Egyptian women’s dermatology Society on 25/6/2009.
  12. Training course and Seminar on AQ Tgo File in Nutrition Institute on 20, 21/10/2009.


List of the publication ( 2000-2005 )

  1. Souod I, Beshir M, Iskander I, Shaabanf, Abou Ismail L, Salam I (2001) Serum prolactin and its evolution in neonatal seizures. The Egyptian Journal of Neonatology, Vol. 2 No. 2, May, 95 – 103.
  2. Azmy, Hanaa Emam and Laila Abou Ismail (2002): psychiatric disorders in preschool children and enviromental lead exposure. The Egyptian Journal of Pediatrics, Vol.19, No. 3, Sept, 441 – 452.
  3. Amal I.E., Nadia A. A., Tamer M.H.A. and Laila, Abou Ismail (2003): Diagnostic markers for early onset neonatal sepsis. Journal of Arab Child, Vol. 14, No. 3, June, 325 – 335.
  4. Khashaba O.G., Salama I.I, Abou Ismail L.A., and Azmy O.M.(2003): Anti-Beta2 Glycoprotein 1, Anti- Phosphatidylserine and Anti-Oxidized LDL as markers of Antiphospholipid syndrome in egyptian women with recurrent miscarriage. The Egyptian Medical Journal of the National Research Center , Vol. 3, No. 3,Dec, 169-181.
  5. A.Ali, Tamer M.H.Adham,A.I.EL-Shafie, I.R. AbdeLhameed and Laila A. Abou Ismail (2004):Comparison of soluble adhesion molecules in collagenous diseases in children. The scientific Journal of Al-Azhar Medical Faculty (Girls) Vol. 25 No. 1 Jan 101 – 111.
  6. Manal F. Elshamaa, Youssef A. Fared, Eman A. Sharaf, Eman A. El-Ghoroury, Laila Abou IsmaiL, Esmat AbdeL Gaffar (2004): Plasma Nitric Oxide level in myocardial disorders with left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. Journal of Arab Child. Vol. 15, No. 5, Oct., 589 – 599.
  7. Abou Ismail L.A, Khashaba O.G., Azmy O.M. and Salama S.I. (2004): Does Antiphospholipid syndrome in preeclamptic women need more sensitive tests? The Egyptian Medical Journal of the National Research Center , Vol. 5, No. 6, Dec, 115 – 127.
  8. SaLama I.I., Abou Ismail L.A and El-Ghoroury E.A.(2004): Follow up study to evaluate multiple risk assessment equations for the prediction of cardiovascular disease. Egyptian Medical Journal of the National Research Center, Vol. 5, No. 6, Dec. 95-114.
  9. Iman I. Salama, Samia M. Samy, Fatma A Shaban, Amal I. Hassanin and LaiLa Abou Ismail: Is there a change in epidemiological pattern of hepatits A in urban Egyptian children.The Egypt Med J. NRC. (2005)
  10. Azmy O, Mohsen M, Hassanain A , Abou Ismail L , and Habib D.: Influence of oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokines on impaired glucose tolerance during pregnancy and neonatal outcome. The Egypt Med J. NRC. (2005)
  11. Nihad A. Ibrahim, Fatma A.Shaaban and Laila A.Abou Ismail: Malnutrition and underlying factors among primary school children in Giza governorate, Egypt. (2005).                                            

List of the publication(2006-2010)

International Publication

  1. I.Salama, S.M.Samy, F.A. Shaaben, A.T. Hassanin and L. A. Abou Ismail: Seroprevalence of hepatitis A among children different socioeconomic status in Cairo. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 13 No.6, 2007
  2. M. Almenabbawy, S.T. Helal, S.T.Zaki, O.M. Said, M.M.Salam, M.M. Abdel,oneim and L.A. Abu Ismail: IS balanced diet has effect on epileptics ? Res. J. Medicine and Med., 9(5): 234-239, 1st July, 2009.
  3. Abdel Naser G, El-Helaly , Fatouh A., Shehata O., Beheiry S. and Abou-Esmael L.: The Possible Role of Interleukin-18 (IL-18) in Pathogenesis of Atopic Asthma in Moderate Persistent Asthmatic Children in Res. J. Medicine and Med. Sci, 4(2): 563-568,2009
  4. Hassan M. Salama , Soha A. El-Dayem, Hala yousef, Ashraf Fawzy, Laila  Abou- Ismail and Dalia El lebedy. The Effects of L-Thyroxin Replacement Therapy on Bone Mineral and Body Composition in Hypothyroid Children. Archives of Medical Science.(accepted May 2009 and Ahead of print).
  5. G. Shouman, Nagwa Abdallah, Abd El Meguid AK, E.E.E. Salama, E.El Ghoroury, Laila A. Abou Ismail and N.M.Emara. Bone Mineral Density Markers in children with steroid sensitive idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. International Journal of Academic Research, 2(3): May 2010.
  6. M.Abaza, A.A. Osman, L.A. Abou Ismail, D. H. EL Lebady and A.N. Ahmed.: Expression of Chemokine Receptor “CXCR4” as a Prognostic Factor in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. International Journal of Academic Research, 2(2): May 2010.

Egyptian Journal Publication

  1.  Fifi Helmy, Mona Salah, Yassmin Mosad, Azza Nassef and A. Abou Ismail: Hypothyroidism versus hypogonodism in thalassemic patients. Medical Journal for teaching hospitals & institutes, Vol. 21, No. 02-Apr. 2008. 
  2. Asmaa F. Abbasy, Osama M. Azmy, Tamer F. Taha, Naglaa M.Kholoussi, Ahmed M.Ali, Rania O.El-Gendy, and Laila A. Abou- Ismail (2008): Measurements of intercellular adhesion molecules and vascular cell adhesion molecules in pre- eclampsia. MJNRC, (7)1: ISSN 1687-1278
  3. Shams Kholousis, Hala Zaki, Laila Abou Ismail and Azza Nasef: Erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes in patients with silicosis. Scientific Journal of Al-Azhar Medical Faculty (Girls) Vol. 30 No. 1, Jan 2009.
  4.  Abdelghaffar S, Hafez MH, Shaaban FA, Abou Ismail LA , Salama SI and Rashed RG: Resistin and Obesity-Associated Insulin Resistance in Children. Accepted, 1/12/2009. Genetic Engineering and Bio technology Journal.
  5. Khaled Al-Menabbawy, Suzette I. Helal, Safaa, Amal I Hassanain, Laila Abou Ismail, Mona H. Farag: Micronutrient Status in Children with Cerebral Plant. Dec./2009. The Egyptian Medical Journal of the National Research Centre

اهم إنجارات النائبة الدكتورة / ليلى أحمد أبو إسماعيل
عضو مجلس النواب المصرى

التعليم ما قبل الجامعى

تم الانتهاء من بناء الادارة التعليمية بسمنود 2020 حتى تتواكب مع معاير الجودة العالمية . تم الانتهاء  من اعمال الصيانة الشاملة لمدرسة سمنود الفنية الزراعية  و التى ادرجت فى خطة 2021-2022 و تم اعتماد لها مبلغ و قدره خمسة مليون و ستون الف جنية  من اجل تطوير شامل للمدرسة للنهوض بالتعليم الفنى الزراعى و تخريج طلاب قادرين على مواكبة سوق العمل للنهوض بالمجال الزراعى و الحيوانى فى مركز  سمنود .

تم انهاء اجراءات مدرسة ميمونة بنت الحارس بكفر الثعبانية و انهاء اجراءاتها من هيئة الاوقاف و هيئة اللأبنية التعليمية .

الموافقة على الاحلال الجزئى و تعديل المرحلة لمدرسة كفر الثعابنية الاعدادية. 

انشاء مصبات حديدية فى مدرسة التربية الفكرية بسمنود التى بها اطفال من ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة.

تركيب سور جديد و تعليته لمدرسة كفر حسان الأعدادية التابعة للأدارة التعليمية بسمنود لحماية ابنائنا الطلاب .

ترميم سور مدرسة احمد على الاعدادية بسمنود.

تجديد و  صيانة شاملة لمدرسة الحريةو مدرسة  ميت عساس الابتدائية  . 

اقامة و انشاء معمل فى مدرسة سمنود التجربية للغات و توسيع فناء المدرسة.

زيادة عدد الأدوار بمدرسة السلام بميت عساس الى 4 أدوار.

توفير دعم مالى لاعادة بناء مدرستى باحثة البادية وجمال الدين الافغانى


التعليم العالى

  • . تم  الانتهاء من الصرح التعليمى الكبير الجامعة التكنولوجية  (سمنود) بمحافظة الغربية التى تم اصدار قرار جمهورى بانشاءها بشهر اغسطس 2019. و تم وضع حجر الاساس لها ابريل 2020 . و تم بدأ العام الدراسى بها اكتوبر 2022 .
  • و ذلك من اجل النهوض بمنظومة التعليم الفنى للنهوض بالصناعة المصرية و تخريج كوادر طلابية و شباب قادر على مواكبة سوق العمل من اجل النهوض بالصناعة المصرية لتكون فى صفوف الدول الصناعية الكبرى.
  • . وتمت الموافقة على توسعة الجامعة واعتماد  مبلغ عشرون مليون جنية من وزارة التخطيط من أجل عمل توسعه لكليات اخرى لاضافة برامج جديدة فى التعليم الفنى و التكنولوجى من اجل النهوض بالتعليم الفني في  جميع المجالات وفى  القريب العاجل سوف تبدأ اعمال التوسعة .

الصرف الصحي

نم ادخال 136 فدان فى الحيز العمرانى فى منطقة منشية التحرير (عزبة الناموس) و قد تم الانتهاء منها فى مارس 2023.

تم الانتهاء من مشروع الصرف الصحي لمنطقة منشية التحرير ( عزبة الناموس ) ومنطقة الصنايع والمعهد الديني من اجل توصيل الصرف الصحي لهذه المناطق والتي تخدم اكثر  من مائتين الف نسمة.

تطهير مصرف عمر بك والبدراوي وخاصة مصرف عمر بك الذى يصب في نهر النيل والذى يعد كارثه بكل المقاييس وتمت الموافقة على انشاء محطة ثلاثية لمعالجة مياه المصرف قبل   نزولها لنهر النيل  .

توسعة محطة الصرف الصحي لمحلة زياد نظر لصغر المحطة القديمة والتي انضمت ليها العديد من قرى مركز سمنود وبعض قرى مركز المحلة لرفع الطاقة الاستيعابية لها.


محطة السكة الحديد بسمنود

.تطوير محطة السكة الحديد فى سمنود و تو فير اعتماد مالى لها فى(2021-2020)

. تمت الموافقة  على تطوير محطة القطارات بمدينة سمنود سواء الرصيف الطالع والنازل والمباني الإنشائية للمحطة وبالفعل تم التنفيذ و الانتهاء من  الرصيف الطالع سمنود طنطا والرصيف النازل سمنود المنصورة.

.كما تم توسعة وتطوير  مزلقان العزبة بسمنود  وعمل حارتين لهذا المزلقان وبوابة اليكترونية .

رصف وتطوير الطرق بسمنود

توفير اعتمادات مالية 3 مليون جنية لرصف شوارع سمنود و شوارع قرية ميت عساس .

رصف شوارع سمنود من الشارع العراضى وشارع فلسطين والادارة التعليمية  بتاريخ 20/5/2021. كما تم  رصف شوارع سمنود من مدخل كوبرى الدكتور احمد ابو اسماعيل  الى ميدان النحاس .

 تمت الموافقة على رصف طريق المنصورة سمنود القديم مارا بمدرسة فاكو الصناعية  الى مدرسة البدراوي الثانوية على النيل لتخفيف الزحام داخل مدينة سمنود

تمت الموافقة على رصف  شارع مدرسة السلام الابتدائية بقرية ميت عساس 

 توفير اعتماد مالى لرصف و توسعة الطريق بين كفر الصارم  البحرى و الراهبين .

اعتماد مبلغ 200 الف جنيه لرصف منطقة المسجد الكبير ومنطقة المقابر بقرية ميت عساس مركز سمنود

عمل صيانه شامله واعادة رصف للكوبرى الحديد الرابط بين محافظة الغربية ومحافظة الدقهلية من ناحية سمنود ومنية سمنود

الموافقة على انشاء محور جديد يربط محافظة الدقهلية بمحافظة الغربية مارا بنهر النيل من عند مدينة اجا  الى الطريق السريع سمنود المنصورة و سمنود / المحلة للقضاء على الزحام داخل مدينة سمنود وتم عمل المجسات والرسوم الهندسية والتنفيذ قريبا 

عمل وانشاء مشاية لترعة الساحل بسمنود لكى تكون  متنزه جمالي للأهالي سمنود .

خدمات الغاز

توصيل الغاز الطبيعي لشارع الاشرم بسمنود بجوار عيون الكوبرى  وايضا تمت الموافقة على توصيل الغاز لعزبة منشية  التحرير ( الناموس ) بسمنود وسيتم ارجاء التنفيذ لحين الانتهاء من اعمال الحفر للصرف الصحي بالعزبة

المحافظة علي السلم العام والأمن الاجتماعي

  • تم فض اعتصام عمال شركة الوبريات بسمنود في 20/01/2022  نتيجة فصلهم من الشركة .
  • تم عمل مفاوضات مع وزيرة التخطيط ورئيس بنك الاستثمار القومي لإعادة العمال الى عملهم مرة أخري والحفاظ علي جميع حقوقهم المادية
  • تم اعادة 200 عامل  وعاملة مفصولة الى  الشركة 01/03/2022 .
  •  متابعة تشغيل الشركة وبيع الأراضي الفضاء بها لتوفير التمويل اللازم لمستلزمات الإنتاج و اجور العمال

تعمير بيوت الله

  • فرش مساجد  بمدينة و قرى سمنود  مثل  الغفران بقرية ميت عساس
  • فرش مسجد الخواص بسمنود.
  • فرش مسجد النواوي بسمنود.
  • وفرش مسجد سيدى سلامة .
  • وفرش مسجد ابو سالم و مسجد القاضى حسين .
  • توفير دعم مالى 90 الف جنية لترميم مسجد البرنس بكفر حسان .
  • توفير دعم مالى 50 الف جنية للمعهد. الدينى بكفر حسان 
  • فرش مسجد البركة بسمنود.
  • فرش مسجد المركز الإسلامي للدكتور محمد العدوى ناصف بكفر الصارم.

مشروع اعادة تدوير القمامة

تم الانتهاء من انشاء مصنع لتدوير القمامة بسمنود  وتم بالفعل اعتماد مبلغ 6 مليون جنيه من اجل ذلك وبالفعل تم الانتهاء من تشيد المصنع وبناؤه من اجل القضاء على ظاهرة تلال  القمامة المنتشرة بسمنود.

تم توفير مبلغ 5 مليون جنية لنقل القمامة من سمنود لمدفن السادات.


الطلبات الشخصية

تم انهاء مئات الطلبات الشخصية المقدمة من المواطنين فى شتى المجالات سواء في مجال التعليم والصحة والتموين وخلافه من الوزرات و ايضا تسهيل العديد من الإجراءات الطبية والعمليات الجراحية التى تجرى على نفقة الدولة او من  لهم تأمين الصحي

طلبات الإحاطة

للمشاهدة اضغط هنا

جولة النائبة "ليلى أبو إسماعيل" بمركز شباب سمنود للتعرف على مشاكل أهلها وحلها

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